














申请人一般汉语水平考试( HSK )至少应达到新4级(须提供新汉语水平考试证书)。同时,应符合申请院校及专业规定的授课语言所需的语言要求。




登录“留学上海”网站 https://edu.sh.gov.cn/study_cn/ 查询并直接申请拟入读的学校、专业。申请时间一般为每年2-4月,以各院校在其招生网站公布的信息为准。







Application Guide to Shanghai Government Scholarship for International Students

For the purpose of constructing the science and technology innovation center with global influence, promoting the international cooperation and communication, and attracting more outstanding prospective international students to study in Shanghai, Shanghai Municipal People's Government has set up “Shanghai Government Scholarship for International Students” (hereinafter referred to SGS) since 2006. It is established to fund distinctive prospective international students to study in higher educational institutions in Shanghai.

1. Coverage and Details

Shanghai Government Scholarship is classified into A and B types.

Type A (Full scholarship): covers tuition, expenses for accommodation and living, and medical insurance during the corresponding study period. It’s established to fund excellent prospective students applying for postgraduate, undergraduate and pre-college programs.

Type B (Partial scholarship): covers tuition and medical insurance during the corresponding study period. It’s established to fund excellent prospective students applying for postgraduate and undergraduate programs.

See appendix 1 for coverage of Shanghai Government Scholarship.


2. Application Eligibility

(1) Applicant must be a non-Chinese citizen in good health.

(2) Age and education background:

Applicant applying for undergraduate programs, should obtain a high school degree or above and be no more than 25 years old; for master’s programs, applicant should have a bachelor degree or above and be no more than 35 years old; for PhD programs, applicant should have a master’s degree or above with academic research ability, and be no more than 40 years old.

Applicant applying for the pre-college program should obtain a high school degree under the age of 23 years old, with a letter of pre-admission of undergraduate program from a Shanghai university.

(3) Outstanding in academic performance.

(4) Language proficiency:

Generally, applicant should achieve Chinese level of HSK4 and meet the language requirements of the applied university and program.

(5) Meeting entry requirements of the applied university and program.

(6) Applicant that has received any other scholarships offered by Chinese government or organizations is not entitled to apply SGS.

3. Application

Applicant can log onto https://edu.sh.gov.cn/study_cn/ (Study in Shanghai website), which provides information on universities, courses, application periods and procedures. Applicant can apply for the scholarship on the website. Application period is generally from February to April. Please refer to the official websites of those universities.

See appendix 1 for coverage of Shanghai Government Scholarship.

Coverage of Shanghai Government Scholarship (RMB/person/year)

4. Management

Universities will guide the scholarship recipients with visa application, registration and other relevant procedures.

In principle, universities will offer accommodations to SGS students in their first year of study.

Universities will make comprehensive evaluations on SGS students’ academic performance, attitude, attendance and conduct every year. Students evaluated as qualified are entitled to get the scholarship in the following year. Those who fail the evaluation will be suspended or deprived of the scholarship for the following year. The result of evaluation will be announced and report to the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.

Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and universities will organize activities such as ‘Experiencing China’ and ‘Studying in Shanghai’ for international students, especially SGS students, helping them further understand the society and culture in Shanghai and China.

Appendix 2: List of Shanghai universities recruiting SGS students
No. 院校名称
University Name
English Name
Introduction and Application Address
1复旦大学Fudan Universityhttps://iso.fudan.edu.cn/
2上海交通大学Shanghai Jiao Tong Universityhttps://isc.sjtu.edu.cn/CN/Default.aspx
3同济大学Tongji Universityhttps://study.tongji.edu.cn/
4华东师范大学East China Normal Universityhttp://lxs.ecnu.edu.cn/cn/home
5华东理工大学East China University of Science and Technologyhttps://ies.ecust.edu.cn/
6上海财经大学Shanghai University of Finance and Economicshttps://ices.sufe.edu.cn/
7东华大学Donghua Universityhttps://ices.dhu.edu.cn/
8上海外国语大学Shanghai International Studies Universityhttp://www.oisa.shisu.edu.cn/
9上海大学Shanghai Universityhttps://apply.shu.edu.cn/?language=zh
10上海对外经贸大学Shanghai University of International Business and Economicshttps://www.suibe.edu.cn/wsc/zsxx/list.htm
11上海工程技术大学Shanghai University of Engineering Sciencehttps://cie.sues.edu.cn/
12华东政法大学East China University of Political Science and Lawhttps://study.ecupl.edu.cn/
13上海海事大学Shanghai Maritime Universityhttps://smuiec.shmtu.edu.cn/
14上海师范大学Shanghai Normal Universityhttps://iao.shnu.edu.cn/20419/list.htm
15上海海洋大学Shanghai Ocean Universityhttps://gjxy.shou.edu.cn/
16上海体育大学Shanghai University of Sporthttps://wsc.sus.edu.cn/
17上海戏剧学院Shanghai Theatre Academyhttps://iso.sta.edu.cn/
18上海音乐学院Shanghai Conservatory of Musichttps://www.shcmusic.edu.cn/1659/list.htm
19上海中医药大学Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicinehttps://iec.shutcm.edu.cn/
20上海电力大学Shanghai University of Electric Powerhttps://fao.shiep.edu.cn/cn/
21上海理工大学University of Shanghai for Science and Technologyhttps://iso.usst.edu.cn/
22上海立信会计金融学院Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Financehttps://lxlx.lixin.edu.cn/
23上海应用技术大学Shanghai Institute of Technologyhttps://inter.sit.edu.cn/_t440/main.psp
24上海电机学院Shanghai Dianji Universityhttps://ies.sdju.edu.cn/
25上海第二工业大学Shanghai Polytechnic Universityhttps://lxs.sspu.edu.cn/
26上海政法学院Shanghai University of Political Science and Lawhttps://www.shupl.edu.cn/1242/list.htm
27上海商学院Shanghai Business Schoolhttps://iec.sbs.edu.cn/
28上海杉达学院Sanda Universityhttps://global.sandau.edu.cn/
29上海建桥学院Shanghai Jian Qiao Universityhttps://www.gench.edu.cn/dwjl/
30上海交通大学医学院Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicinehttps://www.shsmu.edu.cn/iso/
31上海健康医学院Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Scienceshttps://iec.sumhs.edu.cn/

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