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2023年一带一路教育项目 - 青年外交精英人才高级研修项目
2023 "The Belt and Road" - Advanced Training Program for Young Diplomatic Talents from the Belt and Road Countries
合影复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院承办的上海市教委支持的“一带一路”国家青年外交精英人才高级研修班项目,是上海市委市政府贯彻执行国家走出去战略的重要支持活动。其主旨是加强“一带一路”国家青年外交官与民间外交社会精英人士与中国相关领域人士的交往与友谊,并增强“一带一路”国家青年外交人才对中国国家发展战略与上海建设全球性城市部署的认知与关注。项目主题与意义:“一带一路”国家青年外交精英人才高级研修班项目关注“共识、 共荣、共享”这一主题,旨在为来自“一带一路”国家的青年外交官和民间外交社会精英人士构建友好协作、砥砺学习、共谋发展的交往平台,推动“一带一路”国家青年外交精英人士对中国政治经济、社会文化、生态环保事业发展、中国新型外交战略 、“一带一路”国家发展战略、区域合作与治理变革的理解与兴趣,促进他们对中国以及上海在中国与全球化发展战略定位的了解,拓展对“一带一路”国家公共外交的共识基础。
上课照片 西塘参观 西塘参观2 城市规划馆参观
序号 学生姓名 性别 国籍 所在单位 线上/线下
1 ABUHASABALLAH BELAL 巴勒斯坦 Islamic University 线下
2 KHOROLJAV AVIRMED 蒙古 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 线下
3 THI MINH TIEN NGUYEN 越南 Faculty of International Studies,Hanoi University 线下
4 ALETHEIA KERYGMA BURGOS VALENCIANO 菲律宾 University of the Philippines 线下
5 SALMAN SHAHZAD 巴基斯坦 Xi'an Jiaotong University 线下
6 ANUNYARAK UTAIPIPATTANAKUL 泰国 University of Glasgow 线下
7 JAMES FREDRICK MURPHY 澳大利亚 Petrol China 线下
8 NGOC LAN QUACH 越南 University of Northampton 线下
9 HOMERO ANTUNES DE SOUZA NETO 巴西 Federal University of Alfenas 线下
10 RAFAELA VIANA DOS SANTOS 巴西 Peking University 线下
11 BILAL NAS 土耳其 Shandong University 线下
13 SALMAN ALI 巴基斯坦 Quaid-I-Azam University 线下
序号 学生姓名 感言
1 KHOROLJAV AVIRMED Knowing the things that I didn’t know before thanks to the lectures was highly satisfying The professors were great in all aspects i could understand global governance from the Chinese perspective and it bring about insight on BRI which is information that is not available publicly. Professor Yin Zhiguang's lecture was the most thought proviking lecture of all. Lectures
2 ALETHEIA It’s difficult to highlight the most satisfactory part of the program, because was done so carefully. From the organisation and the people responsible for it to the quality of the classes and discussions, everything worked nicely. It was also great to meet such outstanding people in the program.
3 HOMERO Maybe adding more practical workshop and analyzing the policy effect etc, also making it bit longer like 4-6 weeks would be more effective to cover and digest all the knowledge and information. Overall thank you so much Have a theme for presentations, overall it was insightful
4 BILAL NAS Visit of foreign ministery or a diplomatic setup. Interaction with former diplomates. Like I mentioned before, I think there could be a better focus on discussions on the BRI and its associated topics. Not only in an individual manner, with individual classes, but with groups of classes that make sense together and that deepen the knowledge. The class on Chinese theoretical perspectives was a very important one that could be split in two and should be in the beginning of the course, launching the bases for subsequent discussions and analyses of practical endeavours promoted by China. But these are only suggestions, and the course was excellent! Congratulations!

E-mail: isoadmission@fudan.edu.cn
网址: iso.fudan.edu.cn
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