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2022 "The Belt and Road" - Advanced Training Program for Young Diplomatic Talents from the Belt and Road Countries
2022年一带一路教育项目 - 青年外交精英人才高级研修项目
开班仪式The Program, lasting from June 20 to July 8, aims to promote mutual understanding between young diplomatic talents from Belt and Road countries. With the theme of “Consensus, Common Prosperity and Sharing”, the Advanced Training Program for Young Diplomatic Talents from Belt and Road Countries serves as a platform for young diplomats from Belt and Road countries to learn from each other and discuss issues about China’s roles in the world and the future of global governance. The program introduces students to political, economic, social, cultural and ecological developments in China, analyzes China’s new diplomatic perspectives and policies, discusses the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and regional cooperation and governance. Supported by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, directed by the International Students Office of Fudan University and organized by the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University, the Program was joined by 13 participants this year from Thailand, the United Kingdom, Nigeria, Burma, Pakistan, Turkey, Italy, Bangladesh, Tunisia and other countries along the Belt and Road to join this program.
开班仪式领导发言 研修班上课记录 研修班结业仪式 结业仪式证书授予环节
Lists of Program Students
No. Name Gender Nationality Working for/Studying in Online/Offline
1 UMA INTOUCH TRIRAT Female Germany 兰实大学(院长联盟成员单位) Online
2 NUTTAKIT THITIWONGWARUN Male Thailand 兰实大学(院长联盟成员单位) Online
3 WALKER AUGUSTUS SYDNEY P DARKE Male United Kingdom 复旦大学 Online
4 丘庆霖 Male Thailand INTERNATIONAL OFFICE Online
5 Aima Male Nigeria CHINA RAILWAY 14 BUREAU GROUP Online
6 SAI KHAM KYAUK Male Burma 兰实大学(院长联盟成员单位) Online
7 阿玛尔 · 穆罕默德 Male Pakistan 北京环球英才交流促进会 Online
8 KUBILAY CELIK Male Turkey 土耳其安卡拉哈西貝拉姆韋利大學 Online
9 ELIF OZTURGUT Female Turkey 土耳其格济大学 Online
10 NECATI DEMIRCAN Male Turkey 上海大学 Online
11 刘星月 Female Italy 重庆大学 Online
12 MD ARIFUR RAHMAN Male Italy 中国人民大学 Online
13 安心 Female Tunisia 上海外国语大学 Online
Words from students
No. Name Words From Students
1 LORELLA BRIENZA 我非常荣幸能够有机会参加今年复旦大学国务学院举办的“一带一路”国家青年外交精英人才高级研修班。开班仪式上苏长和院长引人入胜的讲座,研修班中国专家们的口传心授,都让我以及来自十多个国家的朋友们受益匪浅。令人印象深刻的是,专家们鼓励每一个学生分享自己在国际关系方面的经验,这让大家都深切感受到学习是一个循序渐进的过程。同时,“一带一路”国家青年外交精英人才高级研修班让我们明白互联互通的重要性,为了推动有效的国际合作平台,当代青年应打开思维并通过使用本国资源以加强各国及各国人民之间的交流。
Project Materials

Department: International Student Office, Fudan University
Address: 220 Handan Road, Fudan University, Yangpu District, Shanghai
ZIP: 200433
Tel: 021-65642258
Fax: 021-65117298
E-mail: isoadmission@fudan.edu.cn
Web: iso.fudan.edu.cn
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